Here is my first menu hack with custom anti detection methods(NA Only), Coded in Delphi this 100% Original with no Copy & Paste recycled functions, You will see this in the FPS as there are no memory leaks from C&P functions. I would like to thank Hans and Gellin for releasing there bases, Im no C++ coder but I could read it enough to understand whats going on, From that I was able to create a Delphi menu hack. Also thanks to NOOB for NameTag Signature and D3D9 Font support which I had some trouble with, Also thanks to mmbob for giving straight forward answers to questions I asked…
Now for the real features… Anti detection includes Polymorphism, On the fly decryption of strings used, Removal of module headers and packed. Im pretty new to the game hack scene so im not sure of the difference between XP D3D9 and Windows 7 D3D9, So I make no guarantee it will work for XP users. It does how ever work with Windows 7 X64 with the latest DirectX update.

D-Jector Settings:

Insert Key: Open/Close Menu
Arrow Keys: Navigate menu(Up/Down) Turn hack Off/On(Left/Right)
+ Key: Cycle through X-Hair Colours(8 to choose from) when enabled
Home Key: Move Menu around will follow your cursor
VirusTotal – Free Online Virus, Malware and URL Scanner…8245f8a3c724ac
@NOOB – NameTag Sig & D3D9 Font Support
@mmbob – Giving straight answers to questions I have asked
@|_Alessandro10_BR_| – RapidFire Sig
And the rest of the people in the coding category..
Please approve
File Info:
File name: dmh.rar
File size: 43056 bytes
MD5 Hash: cba89f65cceae890564fcdcde6aa38d6
SHA1 Hash: 77538a2b75fd60f039a40bb405f3ac6580c794b5

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