QuickScope plugin for External BoxESP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
QuickScope plugin for External BoxESP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
Description:This release contains QuickScope plugin for External BoxESP.
This release DOES NOT contain External BoxESP, you have to download it separately.
Note: VAC status of my plugin is undetected and it will never change, because it doesn’t read/write game memory, inject dll etc. VAC status of External BoxESP is beyond my competence. However, at the moment of the release External BoxESP v5.2 is also undetected.
Features:The main purpose of this plugin is to combine the flawless aimbot aiming of External BoxESP with automated quickscoping mechanism, but it also provide you with a bunch of features which will improve your quickscoping experience.
Here is the list of plugin modes and features:
- NoBorders – gets rid of borders in windowed mode;
- FullautoQuickscope – performs fully automated quickscope shot with aimbot aiming by pressing only 1 button;
- HalfmanualQuickscope – performs pre-aiming with aimbot before shot by pressing the fire button;
- SniperRifleToggle – optimizes the script for either Intervention or Barrett;
- Foolproof – blocks mouse input during quickscoping to avoid interfering with the aimbot aiming;
- QuickSwitch – increases the speed of switching from/to to sniper rifle by using the glitch; also works with some non-sniper guns.
Improvements over v1.0:
- QuickSwitch feature is ported fom Black Ops edition of the plugin;
- The structure of the script is overhauled, now installing and using is MUCH easier;
- Re-mapped some default key bindings for more convenient use;
- Minor bug fixes and code optimizing.
Requirements:- Windows Vista or 7 with Aero activated;
- Call of Duty – Modern Warfare 2 in windowed mode;
- External BoxESP v5.2.
Installation:1. Install External BoxESP.
2. Extract the “MW2QS.rar” to the External BoxESP folder.
3. If required, edit the “MW2QS.ini” file in “QS_plugin” folder to adjust plugin functionality and change your key bindings:
- The [General] section is used to enable/disable specific script functions;
- The [Hotkeys] section refers to key configuration for use by this script only;
- The [GameKeyBindings] section is where you tell the script what your INGAME key bindings are; make sure these match your setup;
- The [External BoxESPKeyBindings] section is where you tell the script what your External BoxESP key bindings are; make sure these match your setup.
Usage:Quick start
1. Double-click on “run_qs.bat”. This will launch both modified version of External BoxESP and the plugin itself.
2. Launch Modern Warfare 2 (don’t forget to run it in windowed mode).
3. Toggle required features by pressing corresponding hotkeys.
Hotkeys list
- ScriptToggle (alt+a) – the main one; toggles the whole script functionality.
- QuickscopeToggle (alt+z) – turn on/off and toggles between FullautoQuickscope and HalfmanualQuickscope modes.
- FoolproofToggle (alt+x) – turn on/off Foolproof feature
- QuickSwitchToggle (alt+c) – turn on/off QuickSwitch feature
- SniperRifleToggle (alt+s) – toggles between quickscoping modes for Intervention and Barrett
Detailed explanation of FullautoQuickscope mechanism
When you hold down the right mouse button (by default) with FullautoQuickscope mode activated, the script performs the following actions:
1. Zoom in.
2. Start blocking mouse input (if FoolProof is activated).
3. Start locking on the nearest to the crosshair target with aimbot.
4. Wait 273 milliseconds for establishing the zoom.
5. BANG!
6. Stop blocking mouse input (if FoolProof is activated).
7. Stop locking on the target.
8. Zoom out.
9. Wait 600 milliseconds to perform the rechambing animation (for Intervention)/ 300 milliseconds to stable the crosshair (for Barrett).
10. Repeat from the first paragraph.
Detailed explanation of HalfmanualQuickscope mechanism
When you press the left mouse button (by default) with HalfmanualQuickscope mode activated, the script performs the following actions:
1. Start locking on the nearest to the crosshair target with aimbot.
2. Wait 50 milliseconds for establishing the aim.
3. BANG!
4. Stop locking on the target.
Important notes
- While the script is running with EnableHalfmanualQuickscope=1 it’s unable to use automatic guns/killstreaks (like chopper gunner). To avoid the jam turn the script off with ScriptToggle (alt+a) while using them.
- Don’t forget that you can customize the plugin by editing “MW2QS.ini”.
- You can also customize External BoxESP by editing “config_qs” at the main External BoxESP folder. If you don’t like the way I customized it, you can replace its content with the default one from Sph4ck’s “config”, but the following lines should remain untouched:
VirusTotal, Jotti
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