Release date: March 12, 2010 (1.57)
VAC status: By the way it operates it is 100% VAC proof without a doubt. It doesn’t modify the game in any way. All it does is take screenshots of the game and move your mouse.
Requirements: There are 3 requirements that should be met before you run this program.
1. You will need colored skin CT models or colored T models which a material wallhack has, the models can be any color.
2. .NET framework 2.0 is required. You should have it already through windows update.
3. VB6 runtime files. All versions of windows currently have it and you can download them if you somehow don’t have it.
Solution to problems:
- The aimbot is targeting corpses
- Type cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 0 in console
- I don’t know how to install the material wallhack
- This link explains it
- The aimbot is shaking too much
- Lower the aimbot sensitivity and disable any CSS mouse acceleration
- Type cl_showfps 2 in console and change graphic settings to increase FPS to over 60
- Try using the default aimbot settings instead of playing with the numbers
- The Aimbot does nothing at all
- Make sure raw mouse input in css is disabled
- You need a colored player model to target, look at the picture below to see what I mean
- The aimbot keeps aiming upward
- Your crosshair is the same color as what you are trying to target, why don’t you set the crosshair to green? by typing cl_crosshaircolor 0.
- The aimbot aims too slowly
- Increase the aimbot sensitivity
- What settings should I use with the default aimbot settings
- Windows mouse sensitivity should be on the 6th notch, windows enhanced precision disabled, the CSS mouse sensitivity your using should be entered in the aimbot, and CSS mouse acceleration disabled.
Picture of what I mean by colored models
Change log (1.43 – 1.57)
Fixed a handle leak bug when .net 3.5 SP1 wasn’t installed, increased long range aimbot precision and tracks far away moving enemies much better, captures and analyzes screenshots slightly faster, takes into account Hz of the monitor and realtime FPS to change sensitivity settings every second, and automatically turns the aero theme on/off for windows 7. Fixed a ton of bugs and removed aimbot acceleration (1.51). Added ability to switch between bitblt and copyfromscreen (1.53). Added ability to change teams using the hotkey X. Added sounds when turning the aimbot on/off and switching teams. Fixed a bug that caused css mouse sensitivity, sensitivity, fps to not change the aimbot sensitivity(1.54). Added a motion tracking algorithm, aimbot aims almost perfectly now! (1.55). Fixed the aimbot from aiming down and chasing enemy names (1.56). Remade how the aimbot targets. (1.57)
ON the to do list
Constantly switching to nearby enemies, targeting the name that appears below an enemy, targeting the scoreboard when you press tab, and more responsive on/off toggle.
Virus total on universal aimbot 1.57 – result 0/43
Download link for universal aimbot 1.57:
MEGAUPLOAD – The leading online storage and file delivery service
Dark grid simple version material wallhack:
MEGAUPLOAD – The leading online storage and file delivery service
Normal walls wallhack (90% opacity) recommended, prevents image smearing:
MEGAUPLOAD – The leading online storage and file delivery service
NEW: Normal walls version (50% opacity) good to color aimbot most doors/walls but has minor image smearing: MEGAUPLOAD – The leading online storage and file delivery service
NEW: Normal walls version (25% opacity) good to color aimbot all doors/walls but at some levels will have severe image smearing: MEGAUPLOAD – The leading online storage and file delivery service
Full ver download link for advanced users wallhack:
MEGAUPLOAD – The leading online storage and file delivery service
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